Thursday, 29 April 2010

My Little Runaway

Simply the worst 24 hours of my life.

Went to take a lovely walk over Burnham Beeches with Ruby & Oz before their obedience lesson to take the edge off before they took their Silver Good Citizenship Award.

We were minding our own business when a very playful Staffie came over to play with Ruby. This did not go down well as it was leaping over her head! Then came over the very enthusiastic young Rottie, again very playful and full of energy. Oz takes one look and decided no way is he going to be part of this game and makes to move away from the dogs. With that the two dogs are after him. I have never seen him run so fast.

The two dogs return. Oz does not. I am panicking, calling and calling him but nothing. I let Ruby off to try and find him. Nothing. I call Kate and Mum to come and help search for him. Nothing. I call our very good friend Janice and Darren to add him to Dog Lost etc never thinking for one minute I would need to go this far. Nothing. Lyn from obedience arrives to help search for him. Nothing. The other Darren from Flyball comes to help. Nothing.

At 2.00 a.m. the police come back to the Beeches and tell me they think they may have spotted him on the M40 slip road (Junc 2). Oh my God. I was desperate. Got there, searched for a couple of hours. Nothing.

Returned to the Beeches in case he made his way back. Nothing. Lunctime on Thursday Darren and Janice come down to help me look. Nothing.

Around 2.00 p.m on Thursday I get a message from Tony to say they have spotted him behind the services. Terry and Tony know Oz. It has to be him. Me and Darren couldn't have been further from the car! Got lost. Getting very frustrated and anxious. Get back to the car and Janice drives us and we are joined by Iain, Bodger and Mist (Search & Rescue Dogs).

We trample through the words behind the services. After what seems like a life time, Darren shouts 'Kim, he's behind you'. I turn around and there's my boy staring at me. Everything the kind people at Dog Lost told me was going through my head. Be calm, don't shout, be calm, don't grab at him. I bend down slowly anxious at whether he is going to run away or not. Nope! He comes over his whole bum wiggling..... this is followed by a massive cuddle by me and lots of tears from me, Darren and Janice. What does he do? Picks up a stick and tries to play! What a numpty! My boy is back safe and sound.

With special thanks to: Kate, Mum, Darren, Darren, Lyn, Janice, Terry, Tony, Nicky, Iain, Bodger, Mist and everyone else who helped my find my boy.

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