Thursday 13 May 2010

Lightning Strikes - Newbury Showground

Lightning Strikes hosted their first ever flyball competition on 8th/9th May

It went nice and smoothly after lots of preperation. Shame we forgot to order the weather!

Ruby raced in Flash and ran well all day. She decided (again) that for the last race of the day, she should turn the other way on the box. Her usual awkward self!

Oz Dog ran really really well in Strikes. After his 24 hour disappearing act two weeks ago he is doing well but I can tell he is still a bit phased by other dogs. I am continuing to try and work through his confidence issues and now we are going to Lyn's obedience classes I hope to see him improve.

Special mention has to go to Stuart's Wizz, who ran beautifully all day. She has literally only just turned 18 months a few days before our show and is a strong and challenging young lady! She didn't put a paw wrong and I personally have very high hopes for her flyball career.